TFI - Forschungsinstitut für Bodensysteme der RWTH Aachen e. V.

We are the institute for research, testing and certifying in the field of construction and furnishing products in Europe.

We are the institute for research, testing and certifying in Europe. With our developments, we design the future and make a responsible and sustainable production possible for manufacturers of construction and furnishing products - for the living and working of tomorrow. Our employees' enthusiasm for their tasks secures the quality of our work also in the future.  

The pre-competitive research of the TFI extends over the entire life cycle from

  • the use of resources via
  • the production,
  • installation,
  • usage and
  • the recycling at the end of the use phase.

Optimizing processes concerning production velocity, flexibility and accuracy is in our focus. Aspects such as quality, ecology and economy as well as their interactions are given priority.

Within the framework of the program of joint industrial research, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy supports projects of the Forschungskuratorium Textil e. V. via the AiF. The European Union and the State of North Rine-Westphalia also support projects which, as product and technology innovations, give new impetus to the industry. 

As an Institute of the RWTH Aachen University, the TFI is also engaged in educating young professionals for the industry. 


© TFI of RWTH Aachen University